Government Reform

Government openness and transparency are critical features of a  positive partnership between civil society and governments. 


Thanks to its expertise and experience, Al Hayat-RASED was chosen in 2012 to evaluate the performance of the Jordanian government in implementing Jordan’s first action plan for the  “Open Government Partnership''. 

 Through the publication of its research papers and participation in various regional meetings, Al Hayat-RASED positioned itself as an active actor in advocating for more  transparent governments in the Arab world.


Since 2013 Al Hayat-RASED program to monitor government performance focuses on strengthening the principles of accountability, transparency, and popular participation, by tracking and evaluating government plans and strategies, and submitting reports on government achievements and the progress of work in plans. It promotes civic engagement at the local and national levels and aims to enhance citizens’ access to trustworthy and fact-based information. to enable them to hold their government accountable. It also formulates recommendations derived from international standards and best practices to enhance governmental work to implement its reform plans.


Over the next three years, Al Hayat-RASED will strive to 

  • Ensure the continuity the program 
  • Improve Governmental Evaluation and official websites that have a direct relationship with the citizen on a regular basis. 
  • Provide electronic channels to citizens through websites, in addition to promoting the principles of accountability, transparency, popular participation and making information available through these websites.